Monday, December 26, 2005


Well, its winter here, averaging about 10-16 degrees in the day, which for Singaporeans is Damm Cold Sia. Anybody who has been to Augustine's room (Auggy) will probably have an idea of what I am talking about. But I heard Singapore is hot, hot, hot. (anyone want to comfirm that?)

Well, Cass and I looking forward to moving from a Freezer and into a Boiling pot in the space of 7 hours in 5 week's time. Talk about a warm welcome...

Recently I realized…

1. that we lose 50% of our body heat from our head.

Which is a great excuse to wear those stylo milo Beenies that you see those HipHop YO YO Word to your Mother Rappers kind wear on MTV.

2. that having cockroaches infest your house is bad enough. Calling the exterminators and having them finally trace the nest to the inside of your fridge door is totally the grossest thing in the whole wide world.

No wonder Cass has been complaining that her food has been disappearing.

3. that often in our lives we know what our problem is, but we cannot seem to find the right answer to it. On the other hand, we often discover an answer in God's Word, but we really don't know what our problem is.

God wants to reveal to us the nature of our true problems and the answer found in His Word. When we make the right connection between them, when we hook up the right problem with the right revelation – that's when the devil is on his way out, and freedom is on its way in.

4. that security cameras in CSI are all high-resolution cameras that take video in 18-Megapixel quality. That is how you can zoom in the eye of the victim and see the number plate of the getaway car in the reflection of his pupil.

(thanks to for this insight)

5. that we frequently try to deal with bad fruit in our lives and never get to the root cause of it. If the root remains, the fruit will keep coming back. Not matter how many times I cut it off, eventually it will come back. I don't know about you, but this cycle is very frustrating.

Here I am, trying the best I know how, yet it seems I never find a permanent solution to my miseries or destructive patterns. The thing I find, is that I have to ask God to reveal to me the root cause of my problem. Often time, the answer can be very surprising and almost all the time, very painful.

Yanking out roots normally is.

6. that I like myself. I don't like everything I do, and I want to change – but I refuse to reject myself.

7. that I want to make people happy and like me, but my sense of worth is not dependent on my performance or on what others think of me. Jesus has already affirmed my value by His willingness to die for me.

8. that Cassilda thinks I am hot.

Maybe its because I keep my head well wrapped up. Yup, thats it.

9. that I really need to be more honest with God and myself about myself.

10. that a rat fell into Cassilda's room through a ceiling vent opening in the middle of the night. She grabbed her sheets, ran screaming into her housemate's room and slammed the door shut. And guess what? Two hours later, the rat stalked her and found its way into that room.

Crouching Rodent, Hidden Cockroaches. Her house is a freakin' zoo.

11. that I have wasted much of my life, time and energy trying to gain the approval of others in order to feel good about myself. Rather than relying on God's steady, uplifting reassurance of who I am, I have depended on others who based my worth on my ability to meet their standards.I've turned to others who have a perspective as limited and darken as mine to discover my own worth.

How stupid is that?

12. that it breaks God's heart when I run from Him instead of to Him when I fail.

13. that the life of the Church is the Heart of God. And the Heart of God is to meet the needs of a broken world.

14. that in Genesis, when God created the universe, the world and everything we see, He comes to a finish not with Adam, but with Eve. Eve is the Creator's finishing touch, the crown of creation. If creation were a symphony, she would be the crescendo, the final astonishing work of God- Woman.

I love how Stasi Eldredge puts it – `Step to a window ladies, if you can. Better still, find some place with a view. Look out across the earth and say to yourselves, "The whole vast world is incomplete without me. Creation reached its zenith in me."

And all God's people say…

Oversea Education™ AmpM
Leonard Ignatius (pronouced ig-nay-ius or 'ig-nar-tus' if you are an Ah Beng) Koh

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