We had a great turn out at last week's Amplify Friday praise God!

I think got 130 - 140 people who came. The atmosphere was simply incredible. The passion in the room was amazing and the worship vibrant, heartfelt and intimate. To top off, the speaker Alfred Pang gave what I thot was a wonderful and challenging message: Fall deeper in Love with Jesus. Personally, it challenged me to not be satisfied with where I am now with God and to press deeper with Him.
Speaking of pressing deeper, I was thinking about the atmosphere of our auditorium at CSC and was wondering if we could improve our stage design. Currently, well, we have like..erm...no stage design whatsoever. What we do need a this point, is a stage. As the crowd gets bigger, its getting harder to address everyone on the platform. I hope we can get a platform for the worship leaders, vocalist, emcees and speakers at least.
So anyway, I googled environment design for Youth Worship settings and found a couple of ideas for it. It is important to me that we make the place attractive for young people. If they are not embrassed to bring their friends, then they will. And we can reach more people with the gospel. Hope these photos inspires us to do something more with our stage to make it more attractive.

nuff said?
Anyway, we would need to raise funds for it. If there is anyone who is reading this feels you would like to contribute, let me know. Amplify is committed to reaching young people and presenting the good news of God's love in a consistent, fresh and relevant way. Your contribution will go a long way in creating environments to that end.
If you would like to support our Cause, please drop by CSC on fridays or contact me.
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