Thursday, December 22, 2005


Lately, we’ve learnt that

1. To Love is a command from the Lord. If He commands me to love, then He Himself will enable me to love beyond measure. To love Him beyond measure. To Love People beyond measure.

2. To never de-value TODAY because the seed I choose to sow Today will determine the crop of my Destiny. To de-value Today means I will not get the week, the year, the decade and the Life God has destined for me.
Have you seize this day or are you still waiting till tomorrow?

3. To believe that Cassilda will stay as scawny as always, forever and ever is a fallible belief. I (Cass) have since put on 4kg, *nope not on my toes* and I think more is to come.

4. Mine and Your Lovability rests on the ability of the one doing the loving and not on my or your own merit.

5. Contrary to what I sometimes think, God is not shocked by me, what I do or fail to do. He knew me before I was formed and He knows my innermost thoughts.

The next time you are tempted to think you have shocked God by your bad choices and you are sure He's too shocked and pained to want to be in your life, think again.

6. It is official. Absence does makes the heart grow fonder. What I used to take for granted and thought was sick people's food, I now can't wait to dive my face into a bowl of $2.50 fish ball noodle - dry, auntie, jia lat...

7. Developing a personal vision is a very powerful tool to help you achieve personal breakthroughs. Who do you see yourself as? Who do you want to be?

8. That there is never an excuse for a leader to be cynical. If a situation is bad, the gift of leadership is given by God to rectify it. A cynical leader is therefore nothing more than an oxymoron.

9. That as I look back at my life, I find a curious but clear pattern in my memories. As many times as I have failed, as often as I have really blown it or messed up, the only ones that stay with me as regrets are the ones where I violated my heart. I have concluded that in the end there are no failures except the failure of character. Everything else is about what you do, but failure in integrity is who you are.

10. that, to borrow lyrics from a popular song, I(Leo) am in a position to make Cassilda `feel so damm pretty'. Every morning, I wake up reminding myself that I have the power to make Cassilda feel like the most beautiful and special person in the whole wide world.

To the world I may be just one person, but to one person, I may mean the world.

Who can you make to feel special today?

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