Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today marks the first day that I'm not the coordinator of Amplify ministry.

After yesterday's exco meeting, Cass and myself have stepped down from our current roles in the community to focus on our wedding preparation and house renovations. Its has been something of a long overdue and as our preparation phase enters into a crucial 3 more months, we have decided it is time. So, we will be on a Sabbatical break until the end of the year and then we will resume our roles. If the community will still have us lead, that it. 8)

In my place, Josie will will take over the helm as the interim Coordinator of Amplify.

so, today marks the first day that I'm not the coordinator of Amplify ministry.

It feels kinda strange. Yesterday for the first time in years, I said the words, 'I'm no more the coordinator, ask Josie.' It felt strange saying them, but I guess I'll be saying it a lot more from now on. Its strange to be in charge and then, suddenly, no more.

Before you think me as some power-hungry-loves-to-be-in-charge person, the honest truth is my role as coordinator has been one of the greatest undeserved joy and privileges of my life. I cannot tell you how much of a joy it has been leading the kind of awesome people we have in Amplify. My leaders, team-mates, the volunteers, the community serve and live with such passion, dedication, love, humor and honesty that they make my work an absolute joy. I don't know how many times I'll prayed in gratefulness for this undeserved blessing and how humbled I feel by it.

Sure there have been plenty of times where it has been a struggle. The issues that come up in a 70 strong community can be overwhelming, heart-trenching, time-consuming and burdensome. In the words of St. Paul, 'we were pressed from every side.' BUT. Never impossible. Together, the Team always gets through no matter how big the challeneg. We will encourage each other, shoulder each other burdens, we will pray for each other, talk to one another, brainstorm ideas, have difficult conversations when need be and we always pull through by the grace of God. It is amazing!

I know I'm bias, but I really think I have one of the best teams and communities in the world! And I cannot think of a better people I want to do my life with. Amplify is my family.

So it is with great joy and excitement that I hand over to Josie, not because I'm feel relieve of this burden, because its not. I'm excited because I don't know if she knows what awesome people she will be leading. I'm excited to share the joy that has been my privilege the past three years and unleash this wonderful community to her leadership.

I have a deep confidence in Josie. Her leadership is a wonderful combination of a strong set of conviction, a deep compassion for people, the character to keep those in balance and the courage to live them out. I hold her in deep respect. Her earnestly before God and her disarming sincerity is underlined with a inspiring what-ever-it-takes attitude and love for people. I've seen her make difficult but necessary decision and stick by them. This reveals to me a strong consistent set of internalized biblical values which is essential for Godly leadership - the kind people will gladly entrust their lives with.

The kind I will entrust the community to.

I want to thank my Community, Josie and her leadership team for releasing Cass and myself to focus on entering the next phase of our lives. We are so closely knitted as a team I know when we leave it will take a bit of adjustment but I know we will pull through and like always - emerge stronger! I love all of you and I'll be praying everyday for the good work you are doing for the young people of Singapore and for the Renown of our glorious God!


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