Thursday, July 31, 2008


I turn 29 today.

wow. Last year to enjoy my twenties before the big 3 comes in.

So as I sit here reflecting on my life and how it has been so far, I begin to think about some important questions.

In all my 29 years,

How many plates of chicken rice have I eaten so far?

How many packets of Yeos' Chrysethmum drink have I drunk?

How many cups of coffee have I consumed?

How many times have I been sick and have to take MC?

How many times have I ask the aunty to Jia La in my Meepok dry noodles?

How many tons of chilli have I eaten?

How many Masses have I attended?

How many bowls of Laska have I eaten?

How many movies have I watched?

How many songs have I heard?

How many bus trips have I taken?

How many emails have I sent?

How many emails I have written and not sent?

How many steps have I taken?

How many times have I topped up my ezylink and how much so far?

How many times have I open Microsoft Word?

How many lies have I told?

How many weddings have I attended?

How many TV advertisements have I watched?

How many 'Hail Marys' have I said?

How many people have I hurt?

How many people have I known?

How many friends have I had?

How many dreams have come true?

How many time have I asked God for forgiveness?

How many times have I slipped back after asking for forgiveness?

How many times has God forgiven me?

How much money has pass thru my hands?

How many people have I touched?

How many trees have I killed?

How many people's lives were better because they came in contact with me?

How many people loved God more because our lives intersect?

How much of myself have I given to others?

How much time have I spend on myself?

How much of God have I known?

How many questions have I asked?

How did I get here?

Where am I going?

Who am I becoming?

29. A door to the rest of my life.

Jesus, thank you for this life.


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