Monday, March 17, 2008

The Amplify Culture & Core Values

Culture is the most important social reality in our community. Though invisible to the untrained eye, its power is undeniable. Culture gives colour and flavour to everything we our community is and does. Like a powerful current running through, it can move us inland or take us further out into sea. Have a unhealthy culture and it can prevent our community from ever realizing our mission, or be used by the spirit. If we build a healthy culture, it can draw others in and reproduce healthy spiritual life along the way. Culture matters and the primal essence of leadership is to create and shape it.

An important tool is shaping culture in Amplify is our 8 Core Values. These Core values inform our culture, decisions and aspirations of our community for the last 4-5 years.

Here they again, in a shorten-to-the point form with key questions: G.R.A.C.E.S.I.S

God-treasuring Life
Cultivating a life that pursues God and places Him as the chief purpose and highest good of our lives

Is your relationship with God growing?
Are your priorities consistent with the Word of God?

Relevant Environments
Every environment should be designed to effectively connect with its target audience.

Are our environments appealing, engaging, and helpful?

Authentic Community
Creating a culture of acceptance, accountability, care and honesty. We believe spiritual growth happen best with relationally-connected believers.

Are you investing in friendships within the community?

Character Transformation
Becoming like Jesus in our thoughts, word, deed and attitudes to live the kind of life Jesus lived.

Are you producing the fruits of the Spirit in your private and public life?

Excellence in Ministry
We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people.

Are you giving God and people your very best in ministry?

Fostering a faith that believes in the supernatural manifestations of God

Are you operating in the Charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of others?

Strategic Service
Serving either in an area of need or an area of gifting in support of the Mission and Strategy of Amplify with the understanding that needs must always take precedence.

Where are you serving?

Intentional Apprenticing

We are responsible to pass along to others the knowledge, skills, and opportunities that have been entrusted to us.

Who are you apprenticing?

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