Here's a thought.
The intensity of which you feel love for another is no indication of its resilience. Feeling strongly for someone at any one point doesn't necessary mean its going to last the distance. If anything, through my own experience, it seems that the more you love someone, the more capacity you have to come to hate him or her.
So many times, it amazes me how two people who were so deeply in love a month ago can end up not only losing the relationship but become bitter enemies. It is true that the only people who can hurt you are those you allow to get deep into your soul. We are so vulnerable and defenseless against those whom we give our hearts to. But yet despite the dangerous nature of love, it remains the deepest pursuit of our lives. We just can't get enough of it.
"Even the scars of love can't make us stop risking at love." -Erwin Mcmanus
This makes me wonder. That when God created us as the objects of his love and gave us free choice as to whether we would Him back, wasn't He taking the ultimate Risk? But how can it be a risk when He knows all that is to come? Surely from the moment He created us, He already knew He would be rejected. Then why do it? Why love when you know you are going to be rejected, hurt and even scar-ed?
Could rejection, hurt and scars be a part of what love is? Is that why Jesus went to the cross? Is that why there is something ultimately moving when we see love expressing itself in suffering? Its like saying "I love you, and I have the scars to prove it."
Perhaps Shakespeare was right when he observed that 'The course of true love never did run smooth" If it was, somehow, it wouldn't be as worthy, would it?
I feel that strange as it seems, in the midst of our most painful memories, we find our most treasured ones. This is powerfully portrayed in Jim Carry and Kate Winslet's movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." It answered the question - Is a life erased of the pain of love filled with sunshine?
If you had the chance to wipe out all your painful memories of your greatest love to be freed of the pain of it, would you?
hmmmmm...I don't think I would. I'll gladly bear the scars of love knowing that I truly loved and truly lived.
Maybe that why Jesus went to the cross and surrendered to cruel nails -
Love suffered so that we would find love in our suffering. The kind that transcends even death. The Truest of Love.
1 comment:
I have been reading some of your blogs and am truly inspried. Given a chance, i would love to share my own thoughts, if given both the opportunity and time.
Much of what is being said does make sense. Nevertheless, when one reads what some would dub as 'idealistic', questions of our frail humanity, and humble realities must loom into being. Questions like,"are we being overly optimistic of a bleak future painted colourful?"
"are we people longing and searching together, for something that is too elusive?"
"theories and ideas are cheap in today's world. The true believer crosses that threshold of 'ideas' to the realm of the living. Does that happen?"
"there are contrasting concepts of love. One quoted by shakespearean tragedies would often leave a person either cynical or disillusioned. Are the concepts we witness today, realistic portrayal of christian love? I.e does christian love exist, in its bare foundations?"
"in the time of the past, when evil was rampant, and the church entered a dark and ominous stage, its precisely at such moments that people in the light, shine for all to see. Today? In today's world of a half baked, ideal-groping, ill-living, moral relative society, are there people of such character stepping forth?"
There is a serious and very solemn onset of urgency in this message. I am both finding hope for myself, and those whom i represent-the feelers and thinkers, the yearning believers, but the lukewarm live-ers. Hope to hear yr message of hope. God bless.
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