Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Some thoughts on the Charismatic Renewal of Singapore

Two years ago at the SACCRE Core Team meeting held at the Major Seminary, Fr William Goh crowned his opening speech by a statement of vision and hope, "Let the Fire fall again".

When I think about it, I guess, perhaps, in his mind, he saw that the embers of zeal and spiritual revival dimming in the Charismatic Renewal. He hopes that once more the fires of Revival will fall from heaven and ignite a new move of the Spirit. I want to share some of my thoughts with you since that day about the state of the Charismatic Renewal in Singapore.

First of all, allow me to say that I felt perhaps what we need is not Fire to fall on the Renewal like it did 40 years ago. The Lord has poured out His anointing on SACCRE and He continues to pour out His power when we ask for it. I believe what SACCRE and all the Charismatic renewals in Singapore need now is not Fire but an Earthquake.

Let me explain -

In ACTS, after the Pentecost, the church of Jesus Christ in the power
of the Holy Spirit went out into the whole world preaching the gospel
with signs and wonders. The apostles caused such an upheaval in the
jewish religious system that when an opportunity presented itself, the
jewish priests arrested Peter and John, in an effort to quench the
movement. After being sternly warned, they were flogged and set free.
Read the actual account -

"As soon as Peter and John had been set free, they went back and told
the others everything that the chief priests and the leaders had said
to them. When the rest of the Lord's followers heard this, they prayed
together and said: Master, you created heaven and earth, the sea, and
everything in them. And by the Holy Spirit you spoke to our ancestor
David. He was your servant, and you told him to say: "Why are all the
Gentiles so furious? Why do people make foolish plans? The kings of
earth prepare for war, and the rulers join together against the Lord
and his Messiah." ........ Lord, listen to their threats! We are your
servants. So make us brave enough to speak your message. Show your
mighty power, as we heal people and work miracles and wonders in the
name of your holy Servant Jesus.

After they had prayed, the meeting place shook. They were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and bravely spoke God's message. "

When the faithful people of God, stung by persecution and victimized by the establishment, their respond was to turn to God to ask for more boldness and power. At their supplication, the Lord bared His strong right arm and poured out His Holy Spirit with so much power and boldness that the gathering became an epicenter of an earthquake. The result of that outpouring was a renewed passion and courage to preach the Word.

I believe that in Saccre, what we need is an earthquake, not fire. We don't need ignition, we need a shake up in the Charismatic Renewal.

As I sat there two years ago at Major Sem, on a Sunday, what I percieved were not men and women of passion and boldness but people who may be feeling a bit worn out, jaded and scared. I saw in their eyes, the weight of being caught between the disapproval of the clergy, suspicion of the laity and the burden of their own people. They don't say it, but I sensed I was in the presence of battle worn veterans. Dedicated men and women of God who have experienced the same persecution of the Charismatic Renewal from Day 1 of Pentecost.

Perhaps, We need once more, like the Faithful in Acts, in the face of these persecutions , pray , " Lord, listen to their threats! We are your servants. So make us brave enough to speak your message. Show your mighty power, as we heal people and work miracles and wonders in the name of your holy Servant Jesus. "

I prayed since that day, that the Lord will pour out His Spirit with such great Power to cause a Shake Up, not in the enemy's camp, but in ours. That with this Shake up will come new Vital Leadership, Spirit-filled Structures, Renewed Vision, Boldness to preach the Word by all means necessary.

Today, I clearly see that happening in Saccre. Under the leadership of Gerald Franciso, his leaders and Chris ow with Saccreyouth, we are indeed making tremendous progress forward. My heart is glad and I know God will accomplish much over the next couple of years.

I love the CCR. It changed my life and continues to everyday through the Holy Spirit. In sincerity and humility, I allow me to propose 8 suggestions for the Renewal. 8 Shake-ups that if felt through out the nation in renewals all over Singapore will help make the Renewal the Unstoppable Force God intented us to be. These 8 suggestions will take some explanation so I will continue in the next email. I will just briefly mention them here -

1) Forge a strong Partnership with the Clergy

2) Develop a Vision for the Laity

3) Develop a strong Charismatic Theology and ministry philosophy aimed specifically for the Lay.

4) Develop and refine Ministry Methodology

5) Preach and administer to felt needs of people today

6) Emphasis on Character not just Charisma

7) Build Communities, not Prayer meetings

8) Aggressive Collaboration of the generations in the renewal

These are the 8 shake-ups I believe will bring renewal to the Renewal. I will try if I have time, to further elobrate on them in the following entry. But I believe that are pretty straight forward. Do drop any thoughts you might have and get a conversation going.

God Bless,

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