Monday, October 02, 2006

Over the next two weeks, I'll be speaking at Amplify's Fridays. I am especially excited over this topic that I will be covering which will be about God's Glory which is essentially the sum of His attributes.

Nothing fires me up more than speaking about God. Not the 'stuff' about Christianity or the 'Christian life', or moral, ethicical issues, but just pure unadulturated GOD. Who HE is, not just what He can do for us. If our last series was God + Life, this series could be called God Minus Everything.

There are Three reasons why I'll be teaching on God and His Attributes.

Reason 1: Worship rises and falls on our perception of God.
How we see God is the way we will respond to Him. One of the biggest problems in the church today in my opinion is that many Catholics do not see God as great as He is. There is really little other reasons why there is so much indifference. If we see God as He is, like Peter and Isaiah, our only respond will be awe, white hot wonderment not to mentioned Repentance and Trust.

Also God calls us to worship Him in Truth- who GOD really is.

Reason 2: Our view of God determines how we respond to Life

The most important thing about us is what we think about when we think about God. That perception will determine how we respond to all of life. No person or nation has ever risen above their view of God.

Think about it. Whatever our idea of God is - policeman, a Judge, Loving Father, or a faraway deity, it will affect the way we interprate and respond to life.

Reason 3: Beholding is Becoming
I firmly believe that the Christian life is the fruit of a mind and heart that is transformed by savouring God in all His fullness. "As we with unveiled faces beholding His glory are being changed from glory to glory." - beholding is becoming. It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound and our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate. Nothing affects the moral life of a person more than to behold the true holiness of God.

So you can see why I am especially passionate about this topic. This week I will be unpacking Romans 11:33-36 and next week Philippians 2:6-11, verse by verse and word by word. Not only am I interested in uncovering God's Attributes but also how it relates with the way we live our life which is really the whole point.

So If you are interested, I invite you for Amplify Fridays at the Catholic Spirituality Centre, 8pm this week (6th) and next (13th). It will be AWESOME. Literally.

See you there!


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