Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Internet Pornography : A Real Battle

Internet pornography is probably one of the most wide spread, unspoken struggle in a man's life. Because of how easily accessible (sometimes unintentionally) it is, it presents a significant challenge to avoid completely. Many of us, especially men, struggle privately with it, sometimes on a daily basis. Covered by a layer of secrecy and shame, this makes it even more difficult to deal with.

I hope this great Music Video by Mr J entitled 'Constance', sheds some light on it. Check it out.

Also I've included some thoughts to help us in this very real battle.

• Pornography is degrading. It promotes sexual acts without providing a relational context, thus sex becomes impersonal. It does not address the needs for relationship, honesty and intimacy with a spouse. Therefore, pornography leads men to become preoccupied with only sexual acts. Consumption of pornography by men raises the likelihood of sexual violence against women.

• Pornography exploits women, treating them as sexual objects to fulfill the sexual desires of men.

• Pornography is also damaging to relationships, particularly to marriage. Men who are involved in pornography often end up with unrealistic sexual desires in regards to frequency, type of sexual acts engaged in, a woman's response, etc. Pornography is a make believe world - but can become the "standard" for sexual behavior for those who become addicted to it.

• Internet porn, specifically, has been called the “crack cocaine of sexual addiction” by Dr. Robert Weiss of the Sexual Recovery Institute.

Pornography is an especially tough issue. The great news is that God is the God of forgiveness and restoration. No matter where we are, what we've done, or what we're trapped in... God can and will forgive, heal and restore.

The first step is admitting that there's a problem and that it's wrong. Half the battle is won right there. As for the future, change begins with a decision to change and then followed through with whatever measures it takes to live out that commitment. Wanting to change - that's the first step. Now begins the tough road of daily decisions that help us live out that commitment.

Here's a few of them we may need to make:

change our internet software to a filtered provider, one that won't allow us to get to the web site, even if we wanted to.

We may need to change our web habits, maybe move the computer to a more public place in the house, if we're living with some other people. We may not be able to use the web alone, looking to be in the presence of others as you use it.

Gather people around us who can keep us accountable. We need to have people in our life that we can share our struggle with. People who will ask us the tough questions in life, like "When was the last time that you went to that site?" These are people whom we trust, know, are transparent with us, and who love us unconditionally... no strings attached!

You may have heard the saying, "garbage in... garbage out". Well, it applies here. Not only do we need to not put garbage in, we need to feed your mind on things that will purify our mind and heart. Evaluate what we read, listen to, and watch. What are the messages that we are allowing into our mind and heart. Read the Scriptures, and other Christian reading.
Listen to music that edifies Christ. Start "re-formatting" our heart and mind by the things that we allow into it.


Friend, remember, it's not easy. There are no quick fixes. It takes time, effort, and commitment. There may still be times that you fall sand stumble, but God is right there. Lean on Him. Rely on the Spirit to help you get through this. Go for the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible. Pray often. God will see you through this. You probably didn't get into this overnight... and it won't be an overnight cure. God is in the business of healing and freedom. He's done it before... He'll do it in your life as well!

Do drop a comment if you have any.

With you in the fight,

Some of the above material is taken from Jim Burns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi leonard.

Thanks for that wonderful post. Indeed, my views are that one of the tools of the enemy is: subtlety. How pornography and masturbation is prevalent, yet, it seems taboo an hush-hush. Indeed,as you mentioned, in secrecy and shame.

I feel one way we can battle this temptation that everyone faces is to expose the presence and workings of the evil one. To pin-point exactly his intentions and his presence. And when the enemy is unveiled, no longer undercover, he loses his most powerful tool against us. After all, he's most happy if ppl think the devil doesn't exist!

In you with the fight!