Written on the back flap of my bible are 7 life goals that I feel God put in my heart over the years of walking with Him. Quite frequently, during prayer and meditation, I would flip to it and remind myself what God wants me to do with my life.
My hope is that my life would be like David whom the bible described, "...and David had served God's purpose in his own generation..." (Acts 13:36)
I too want my life to serve God's purpose in my generation with the short life I have been given.
Perhaps this sharing could in some small ways inspire you to do so too. 8)
Life Goal #1
See the Catholic Church become irresistible and relevant to today's people.
Life Goal #2
Build a movement of youth ministries all over this nation to impact an entire generation for Jesus.
Life Goal #3
Raise a generation of Leaders who would raise up generations of Leaders.
Life Goal #4
Raise an Army of Lay Preachers and Teachers whose effectiveness in communicating the Word to today's people far surpass those who came before.
Life Goal #5
See youth ministries and churches reaching out to the greater community with acts of Kindness in Jesus' name.
Life Goal #6
Empower and release Lay people to influence every sphere of society especially in the Marketplace for God's Kingdom.
Life Goal #7
Establish a School of Ministry and Bible College for Lay people to be equipped to impact their world.
-written on the 6th of May, 2005.
These 7 Goals together with my Personal Mission Statement pretty much direct my life's decisions and choices. What I choose to do and what I choose not to do. It brings immense clarity and purpose to my days not to mention a sense of desperate dependence on God.
To tell you the truth, they scare the life out of me. (I'm sure you can see why) But I pray that together with others whom God send into my life, we will together accomplish them 'not by Might, not by power but by God's Spirit.'