Sunday, December 17, 2006

Join Amplify Speaker's Club

You never know when you'll need it...

Starting 20th January at the Catholic Spirituality Centre, Cassilda and I will be starting the Amplify Speaker's Club.


Speaker's Club is a safe environment that allows members the opportunity to practise their public speaking skills. It is held fortnightly and runs for 1 &-a-half hours for about 8 weeks. The program includes a wide range of speaking opportunities, such as 1 minute impromptu speeches, testimonies, 5-7 minutes sermons, evaluation of all speaking assignments and yes, even an altar call!


Anyone who has spoken in front of a crowd and later described it as a 'near-death-experience'.

We know exactly how you feel! That's why we will be making Speaker's Club a safe place for you to 'give it a go' at public speaking while finding support and encouragement from fellow participants who are probably as nervous as you are. Its a great place to gain confidence as well as have a good time!

Anyone who feels a call of God on their life to Preach, Teach or Lead.
Speaker's Club is a great place to 'learn by doing'. Part of the program involves getting feedback from others; letting you know the strengths of your speech and areas to improve. This will help you to both steward and sharpen the call of God on your life as an effective communicator and leader.

So what are you waiting for? Join Speaker's Club Today!
There are only 26 places available. Registration is $5

If you are interested please email your details to:

Leonard Koh: or

Cassilda Lim:

Amplify Speaker's Club is an initiative of Amplify Partnership Development

Leonard and Cassilda each hold a Certificate VI in Pastoral Leadership and Counseling respectively from the Hillsong International Leadership College, Sydney, where they were both resident Coordinators of the Speaker's Club.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Christmas Poem

What If Christmas Never Happen?
written by Leonard

What if Christmas never happen?
Would there still be jingle bells and silver bells
Would Frosty still exist?
Would Rudolph be the one we love
Couples linger mistletoes above

Would we get our two front teeth
And Partridges in pear trees.
Would we deck the halls
Or kiss Santa Claus
And still be home for Christmas?

well, probably...

But what if Christmas never happened?
What will we see?
What if God didn't love the world
And the Child never came to be
With the world in sorrow pining
Will hope still sail the seven seas

If Christmas never happened
What glad would tidings be?
Will shepherds still prolong their strains
Will Nations come on bended knees
Will there be rest for merry gentlemen
Had not the Herald Angels sang

In this season that came to be
Silent night of our Savior's birth
Tucked away in a manager
Lies our soul's great worth

So come celebrate the love divine
Join the Angels heard on high
Leave the trample of the Sales
And join the Triumph of the Skies.

- 12 Dec 2006


Have a Blessed Christmas!
Leonard & Cassilda


Monday, December 11, 2006

Excellence: A Core Value of Amplify

Excellence is one of the Core Values of Amplify. The others include God-Centered, Relevant Environments, Authentic Community, Character, Supernatural, Strategic Service, Intentional Apprenticeship (and somemore that we are in the process of articulating).

Excellence is an attitude and not end product. The end product will naturally come when we choose to be excellent at what we do. Excellence is about giving the absolute best that we have, going the second mile, above and beyond what is expected of us. Excellence is maintaining onto a good attitude and coming up with our best inspite of whatever constraints that we are facing.

If I can boil Excellence down, its simply: "Be Bothered." Be bothered to just put in that extra effort, go that extra distance, make it neater, because it tell people what you value. Conversely, lack in excellence is simply "I can't be bothered" - and that communicates something as well.

God Values Excellence

More importantly, Excellence is a God idea. In Genesis, it was recorded that God created the world, created Man and Woman and saw that it was Good i.e. Excellent. If you were to read through Leviticus and Deuteronomy you will begin to see that God is deliberate and into the details. (read about the construction of the Ark of the Covenant) He is not tardy or slipshod in what He does, and in what He represents. I shared about 1 Kings 10 at Leaders Retreat, about Queen Sheba paying a visit to King Solomon. She came because she had heard about his wisdom and his excellence in representing the house of God. She saw that the magnificance and excellence of God through King Solomon and was converted to believe in the God of Israel.

"When the queen of Sheba saw all the wisdom of Solomon and the palace he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his officials, the attending servants in their robes, his cupbearers, and the burnt offerings he made at the temple of the LORD, she was overwhelmed." 1 King 4:5

One expression of excellence is to create distraction-free environments for people to experience God. The less shody and tardy we are, the more WOW! factor we give our seekers and attenders, the easier it will be to soften their heart to receive the Word of God.

Excellence Paves the Way

Great environments, neat arrangements, Perfect sounding music, nice lights, moving media do not change lives. Only the work of the Holy Spirit brings about spiritual and character transformation. BUT, by becoming less of a hinderance through removing distractions and providing a conducive environment, we partner the Holy Spirit and give Him space to bring about Heart Change. Think about it, how do you even begin to concentrate on worshipping if there is feedback going on, the lights are too bright, the lyrics are not flashed and you are made to stand for too long on your feet?

That Which Cost Us

We need to be like King David in his pursuit of God's heart. That is, we need to offer God only that which cost us something. (2 Sam 24:24) This is excellence - Offering God that which will cost us something. The better prepared we are, the better relaxed we are, the better we can hear God and what He wants us to do.

Bottomline, need always be grateful for all that God has given us. We need to remember that God is ultimately in control, that we are doing it for His Glory and Namesake. Everything He gives us is a blessing and given because of His Grace and not because we have earned it. And because it is given to us by His Grace, we need to be careful in stewarding it.

In that way, we always keep an open hand with what is entrusted to us and keep an obedient Heart towards God. And as we are faithful and reliable with the small things, God will entrust us with bigger things.

God Bless,